New Release The Perceptions: Short Fictions and Reflections available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle. Hurry Up!


Image credit: KQED

Who wants to kill a dream?
While having his pumping heart,
I strive to catch your light beam,
And paint your heart with my art.

Despite of squeezing inner pump,
I arrest the vicious thorn,
Being thrust into your pump,
For which, for you, e’er I blow a horn.

Although I was a diligent ant,
When you were an elfin child,
Caring you as a charming plant,
Now, pacing to an adult not a child.

Your desire transgressed a line,
You won't be aided beyond the line,
But willing to cede my kidney,
Can't aid you without penny.

To be a sun of genetic house,
Rather, good to be a dog's louse,
Diamond dew, in the eyebrow of younger,
Benignity comes looking at their anger.

Sometimes, I wish to take farewell,
From the torment of earthly hell.
Sadly! No vacant gettable in heaven,
God! Confer me a space in heaven.

But I can't let you drink,
The maliciously venomous blood,
And I can't let you sink,
In the oceanic watery flood.

To be have own younger,
Rather, to be alone is better,
But you have trodden on this soil,
In vain, I can't let your life spoil.

Who can see my burning ticker?
To me, in all things, you just dicker,
As I can, strive to create you happy,
And wish to see you an echt chappy.

My heart is burnt by your desire,
As an inextinguishable fire,
Nor I kill your desire,
Or I rid the hotness of the fire

Word bank
*pump = heart 
*elfin = small, elflike
*transgressed = exceeded some limit and boundary, overstepped 
*cede = give away, donate sth
*benignity = goodness, kindness
*ticker = heart
*dicker = bargain, negotiate 
*echt = real, genuine 
*chappy = a man, a fellow

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  1. Please leave your comments after reading.

  2. Such a wonderful poem... Poet succeed to paint it in the way of bravery and shadow...

    1. Thanks for your kind words. You are the one whom I always expect to writing something on my blog post.


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